The Wait Is Over!

Enrol now on the 'Don't Avoid It!' Mental Health Awareness Course. The editable Mental Health Toolkit poster is inside along with a wellbeing plan.

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Mental Health is a complex subject and presents many challenges when designing training.

This Mental Health Awareness Training is a step back from Mental Health First Aid.  Jason Lear and Tom Magee came together to build on their individual strengths rather than replicate or create parallel competing programs. The training component of the program is implemented through informative interactive content with an important resource in the format of an actionable roadmap in an uncomplex process toolkit poster (A2 poster). 

The poster was a major influence in the development of the curriculum to ensure participants are left with a tangible reminder and tool to ‘not assume someone else will notice’ and not to ‘avoid it’, as a minimum ‘refer’, in its easiest format it is about taking action.

We have converted this poster in an A2 PowerPoint slide so that you can download, edit, personalise and print. Having said that the first 200 to sign up in Northern Ireland will receive one of our printed poster applicable to regional services.

Sign Up for Free Now

Poor mental health is responsible for almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK

So why is the course different? We designed it backwards!

As educators we recognise one of the hardest things when developing a course or workshop is deciding what to include in your curriculum. 15 years working across several vocational areas and now developing the next generation of educators through our own education and training programme I think I have got better with practice.

The content has been designed using a backward planning strategy. Traditionally workshops and courses tend to get developed based on a topic or theme? The issue with most topics is that there is so much that we can potentially include, this can cause a little confusion and result in a less than optimum program.

For example, let’s look at the very topic here, ‘Mental Health’, to improve our own mental health, and support others suffering from poor wellbeing or mental illness then it has to start with not only more awareness and education but an uncomplex call to action. No one would argue that we’re more concerned about mental health than ever before. But the more aware we become and the more we spend money on current programs, the more mental health illness increases. We call this the 'deficit approach'; we focus on what we do not have rather than what we do.

It’s essential that individuals, businesses, employees, sports clubs and athletes receive training that is actionable. Bear, Wolf and Risley suggested

It’s not what we can be brought to know,

 but what we can be brought to do!

Knowing what you want the end to be and working backwards ensures we include only the key messages to achieve the aim. Our strategy has taken an 'asset approach', we looked at what we have, that is ‘YOU’ and developed a curriculum with an uncomplex action that gives you the knowledge and tool to support friends, family, work colleagues, team-mates, school friends by not ‘avoiding it’ and ‘refer’ concerns effectively.

To get the right things done in the right way, we cannot wait for someone else to notice, we need to be part of the team (community), the humble listeners, and ultimately become one of the doers.

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Approximately 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem. In the UK and Ireland in 2018 there were 6,859 suicides. We all have a responsibility to change direction of the constant upward trend.

What Are The Benefits of This Training

Mental health training is one of the key ways of changing the experience of people affected by mental illness. By completing this course you will be able to:

  • Identify and raise awareness around mental health issue in all aspects of work and life.

  • Improve insight to recognise what we can do to help.

  • Improve awareness on how to change attitudes towards stigma.

  • Improve the opportunities of early intervention for anyone presenting mental health illness.

  • Follow a 3-stage actionable process to signpost individuals presenting indicators of mental health illnesses

  • Identify effective strategies for improved wellbeing.

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Remove the fear around the question "what would I do?"

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Instructions for this course

    • How to navigate this course

  • 2

    Welcome to the course!

    • Before We Begin

  • 3

    What is Mental Health

    • What is Mental Health? We All Have It

    • Test your learning

    • How to use the Mental Health Continuum

  • 4

    What is Stigma?

    • Who is Affected by Stigma?

    • Test your learning

    • The Chocolate Test

  • 5

    How to, !Don't Avoid It!'

    • Ways to Implement a 'Don't Avoid It!' Framework

    • Test your learning

    • How to use the Five Ways to Wellbeing

    • Why First Impressions are Almost Always Wrong

    • How to Use The 'Don't Avoid It!'Toolkit Poster

  • 6

    Next Steps...

    • What's Next...

    • Before you go

    • Testimonial

    • More resources for you


5 star rating

Excellent course

Tom Riding

You will be given the tools to help people and clear advice on what the best thing is you can do for them, You will be able to use the skills gained in this ...

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You will be given the tools to help people and clear advice on what the best thing is you can do for them, You will be able to use the skills gained in this course on an ongoing basis. The course delivery is excellent too.

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5 star rating

A very valuable course

Ben Polley

Great course and very informative lessons and resources. All the resources were all tailored and the course design was very easy to follow.

Great course and very informative lessons and resources. All the resources were all tailored and the course design was very easy to follow.

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5 star rating

Excellent course

Tom Riding

You will be given the tools to help people and clear advice on what the best thing is you can do for them, You will be able to use the skills gained in this ...

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You will be given the tools to help people and clear advice on what the best thing is you can do for them, You will be able to use the skills gained in this course on an ongoing basis. The course delivery is excellent too.

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5 star rating

Very Catchy Title. Got me in the correct frame of mind to...

Pamela Purdy

Overall a very well constructed course, which was easy to follow and key aspects were highlighted well. Key words which I could write down as I completed th...

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Overall a very well constructed course, which was easy to follow and key aspects were highlighted well. Key words which I could write down as I completed the course were excellent. Thank you.

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5 star rating

Great content

Lee Kinghan

Really good course, not too long in bite size sections. Leaving with a lot to think about and ways of opening up dialogue with others

Really good course, not too long in bite size sections. Leaving with a lot to think about and ways of opening up dialogue with others

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5 star rating


Bridgeen Connor

thoroughly enjoyed the courser very easy to take it all in and actually be able to learn

thoroughly enjoyed the courser very easy to take it all in and actually be able to learn

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star rating

5 star rating


emma greene

Brilliant content & course

Brilliant content & course

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